Long Enduring Tenacity in Business

Many of us business owners are tenacious. We’re persistent.


There isn’t a single formula for tenacity. Sometimes it means taking one step at a time. Sometimes it is simply sitting and trusting. Perhaps it is holding loosely to our dreams and letting them shift as needed.

I’m staring out the window at the birch tree leaves gently swaying on bowed limbs. Calmly surrounding me in their embrace, while playing refuge to two hummingbirds flitting here and there amongst the leaves. I’m writing from a familiar place this week, but the view is different.

This past week we moved our Tiny House on Wheels to our backyard. I lived in the Tiny House for 5 years. It is where I learned to live in a calm, intentional way. And I didn’t realize how much I missed her until this week.

I visited with my friend Liz a few weeks ago and we talked about contentment and how it subtly impacts our desires. In the midst of our contemplation together she said “give me more of this”. More of what I already have. More contentment, more joy, more of this life.

And as I sit here writing I can’t help but think my desire for “more of this” has been heard.

The office in our house, and our house as a whole, has been one incredible treasure that brings us happiness daily. And having the tiny house in our backyard has just added immense joy to my life.

It’s a bit surreal as I sit here and write. I really wish you could see the big grin on my face. For many years I dreamed of having the Tiny House in Bentonville, specifically within 2 blocks of where she currently sits. It wasn’t possible to park it in Bentonville for one reason or another when I lived in the Tiny House, but I was able to make a wonderful life about 40 minutes south in Fayetteville.

Fast forward to today and parking the Tiny House in Bentonville just kind of fell into place. Just like that, the tiny house is in our backyard and I have a second office, specifically a writing studio. I can’t express how incredibly grateful I am for this moment.

And yet, it took 7 years from dreaming about it for this moment to actually come.

I envisioned this feeling with such clarity all those years ago. It’s a bit spooky honestly. To think that the thing I’ve desired for so long has come to life. It didn’t come in the way I expected, or in the time I wanted it to, but it arrived. In it’s own time and in it’s own way.

The tiny house is for sale, and I realize I may not have a long duration with this experience, but I am completely in awe of the way this dream has played out regardless.

It was a struggle to accept that the dream wasn’t a reality when I first began this journey all those years ago. But, what I’ve learned is that my role is to live life in the meantime. Living too far in the future, frustrated by what isn’t coming in the time I want it to, doesn’t serve me well. I can only live in the now and loosely hold the dreams that I have. It’s a daily practice.

When I think of living in the present while dreaming of the future, tenacity comes to mind.

I think many of us business owners are tenacious.

We’re persistent. We know how to stick with something, if even subconsciously.

There isn’t a single formula for tenacity. Sometimes it means taking one step at a time. Sometimes it is simply sitting and trusting. Perhaps it is holding loosely to our dreams and letting them shift as needed.

I am relishing writing to you from my desk in the Tiny House and I’m encouraged to be tenacious in my pursuits. Quietly trusting that remaining committed, but not attached will lead me where I am intended to be.

Where is tenacity showing up for you? What does tenacity mean in this season of your business?


When Business is Familiar, but Different


Allowing Space for Business to Unfold