Allowing Space for Business to Unfold

Intentional business allows space for business to unfold. It's a calm way of doing business.

Allowing space for ideas to come to life, to unfold in the time that they take comes with a sense of peace. It’s a calm way of doing business.


Unfolding comes with a sense of peace. It’s a calm way of doing business. Allowing space for the unfolding takes the pressure off. It creates ease.

We purchased tulip bulbs yesterday! It was quite a fun purchase because it’s one we’ve been talking about, sketching out, and dreaming of for months now.

Michael has put a lot of sweat equity into the garden spot where we will plant the tulips and it felt quite rewarding to finally buy the bulbs. Now, we wait…again. We wait for the bulbs to arrive in October, then we’ll wait til November to plant them, and we’ll wait again to enjoy beautiful blooms next April.

It’s really not about the waiting, it’s about the unfolding. Allowing the space for the full project, from dream to bloom to unfold in its own way.

Even once the tulip bulbs are in the ground, there is no knowing what spring days they’ll decide to start pushing up thru the dirt. They will simply blossom in their own time.

As it is with business too. Forcing the timing of a project is an option I suppose, but it often feels messier, more chaotic and holds more anxiety than allowing it to unfold in its own time.

Allowing space for ideas to come to life, to unfold in the time that they take, is a practice.

Unfolding comes with a sense of peace. It’s a calm way of doing business. Allowing space for the unfolding takes the pressure off. It creates ease.

And yet, even knowing this, I still find myself trying to control the timing on occasion. I know in these moments that I’m attaching myself to an expectation. The expectation of how or when a project will happen.

And in these moments, I have to consciously remove my expectation and allow the project to come to life as it would like.

I can often sense a project coming to life. If I force or pressure it, I don’t allow for the fullest version of the idea to come to life. I find the outcome of these projects will never feel quite right.

On the other hand, when I allow ideas or projects to unfold — to marinate the amount of time that it needs, then I’ve given myself and the idea a gift. The gift of calm.

I’m in the midst of an unfolding idea at the moment and I’m not quite sure how long it will take to come to the surface. But, I’m trusting that it will come to life when it’s suppose to. I nurture where I can and then I allow it to unfold.

Where are you feeling something coming to life? Are you allowing space for it to unfold?


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