The Compounding Effect of Consistency in Business

A compounding effect for the expansion of the garden is similar to the compounding effect of the consistent work we do in business.


By planting perennials each year the garden will grow year after year. A compounding effect for the expansion of the garden is similar to the compounding effect of the consistent work we do in business.

The weather is divine here and I’m spending every moment I have in our yard. I’m delighting in walks around the yard pondering ideas, listening to podcasts while I pull weeds, and letting my thoughts roll while I put plants in the ground.

I’ve been gardening for a number of years now and I know it’s better to take things a bit at a time than bite off more than I can chew. So, I’ve gathered just a few perennial plants that will come back year after year.

We’re quite fortunate to have lots of landscaping space and I’ve decided to take this project slow. A few years ago I would have dove in with fervor and tried to tackle all the landscaping this year. But, I’ve gained some insight over the years — gardening is ever evolving, expanding and contracting.

We expect to live here for many years to come and there’s no rush to fill in the space. I’m excited by the possibility of adding a few new plants each year and I’m curious to see how my skills and the our space evolve over time.

By planting perennials each year the garden will grow year after year. A compounding effect for the expansion of the garden.

This idea of compounding has been on my mind a lot lately.

Last week I had my personal business retreat via zoom with 3 dear friends. Our conversations astonish me and I came away inspired and refreshed for all that is possible!

One of the questions I sit with on retreat is “what are my regular tasks within the business?”. And after I wrote them out I got to sit and delight in my list. I’m living a life I really love and the things I do each day are truly fulfilling.

I know how fortunate I am in this. And while I was just relishing in gratitude each of my friends reminded me of how deeply intentional I’ve been along the way. My current role in my business is the result of a thousand small decisions that compounded together to deliver me to where I am today.

Mine has been a journey about the life I want — the daily contentment that I desire. And I’ve made many many decisions in order to arrive here.

When I started out with my business I had 7 side hustles going to make enough money to pay my bills. I believed in my business and I knew that the work would pay off, but I’ll admit it was hard. I was experimenting and this part of my journey gave me a lot of insight into what I wanted (or didn’t want) to do. I did everything I could to live a slow life while balancing the many roles that I played with all the side hustles.

I continuously gave thought to what I wanted my daily life to look like and I made one decision after another to direct me here. It’s not a place we arrive to though. It’s a journey that is ongoing, ever evolving. And I must continue to make intentional decisions that will deliver me to my future dreams.

It’s one small step after another.

How are you making intentional decisions that are compounding in your business? Are the small steps you’re taking aligned with your desires?

Whether you’re in that beginning stage where you’re doing everything you can to survive or you’re at a place where you have the luxury to choose what you want your products or services to be, the choices we make today can have a compounding effect for our futures.


Experimenting with Purpose in Business


Friendships Give Us Perspective in Small Business