Being Consistent and Persistent as a Small Business Owner

Calmly working towards completing a project by remaining persistent and consistent.

Calmly working towards completing a project by remaining persistent and consistent.


Take it one task at a time. I know from experience that persistence and consistency are the only way thru these seasons. I know to be kind to myself and calmly work towards completing the cycle.

This season is full of so much beauty! I swear the flowers are being extra showy. And the breeze is carrying the sweet floral scents in the air.

There’s a contented excitement that comes with this time of the year. Plants are blooming and kids are beginning to be released for their summer break. It’s clear they can feel the lazy summer days on the horizon.

We have kids galore tromping thru our front lawn to meet up with their friends then tromping back thru as they go on some evening adventure that only teenagers can appreciate. It’s clear a few kids must have new licenses, but also have parental restrictions to stay within a few block radius of home as they zip by revving the engine of their motorcycle and cruise back by a few minutes later, to do the same thing periodically all evening.

I love these sights. Reminders that the season brings freedom with easy vibes.

There’s something content about these days. And yet, I find myself falling into these lazy summer vibes at what feels like an ill-timed moment.

Momentum is carrying me into a new season of business growth. And yet, I’m not quite inspired with fervor. Instead I’m grateful that I spent time last month defining what to focus on this quarter. Right now, my tasks are simply “stick to the plan”.

I’m thankful I set my priorities and I’m able to take it one task at a time. I know from experience that persistence and consistency are the only way thru these seasons. I know to be kind to myself and calmly work towards completing the cycle. To stick to the plan I’ve already mapped out.

The work we do isn’t always inspiring. We won’t always be motivated. We may not always like what we’re working on. But the important part is to remain consistent. Be persistent thru the dry, uninspired times. Stick to the plan we’ve already laid out.

I’m calmly waiting (with a fair balance of impatience mixed in) for inspiration to arrive. But, in the meantime, I’m here, persistently taking on one task at a time.

What do you need in this season of your work? What project or task do you need to remain consistent in this week?

Being an entrepreneur takes tenacity. You’re not alone if you get tired being tenacious sometimes. It’s okay. I feel it too sometimes. We’re capable of great things and we’re not alone in these feelings that arise.


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